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07517 577 557

Tekton Carpentry & Design bespoke furniture makers specialise in the design and construction of beautiful handmade British furniture. We specialise in wood and carpentry but often integrate all kinds of different materials from metals to plastics, ceramics and glass into our pieces. We provide high class, top quality one-off pieces of furniture to suit our clients specific needs.

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Waney natural edge bench

Natural edge handmade oak bench made from waney / live edge  oak planks - Designed and built by Tekton Carpentry & Design - Bespoke furniture makers - Brighton, Sussex

Oak and Iroko natural waney edge bench

These waney edged benches were designed to slot into a natural environment as smoothly and unobtrusively as possible. Completely constructed from solid wood and using no fixings or glue these benches are as natural as they can be.
The bases are made from solid oak using traditional mortice and tenon joints. The tenons are then pegged into place using Iroko dowels which hold the joints tightly in place. The support sections are then held together using an oak stretcher beam that is joined to the supports with tusk tenons that is secured with wedge shaped pieces of Iroko.
The slats are made of natural waney edge oak slices that when machined still has the bark and moss on the live edge. The planks are split down the length following the natural wave of the grain to make the slats. These slats are then attached to the support frame using oak dowels that are wedged in place using Iroko wedges.
Building in this way really is how we like to do things at Tekton Carpentry & Design. Keeping things as natural as possible and using nothing but the wood itself and the weight of the piece to hold the whole structure together.


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